Diamond Key International Solutions
Working in partnership with the customer, DKI is able to deliver an automation solution that meets operational performance reliability requirements and, in particular.
Main Automation Contractor
As a Main Automation Contractor (MAC), DKI have a proven record of designing and delivering MAC scope of works successfully for over two decades.
DKI's MAC scope typically includes:
Omega 5000
Omega Scada (Pump and MOV Control, Fire and Gas and Process Control)
Modular Loading/Unloading/Blending/Additive Skid Systems.
Main Automation Contractor Projects
Interport Emily 1 Terminal
A safe and successful construction and commissioning of EMILY1, DKI provided digital services and engineering.
Pertamina TBBM Medan
Omega5000/ Scada/ PLC/ 5 x Slimline Multi-Product Bottom Loading Skids/ 2 x Rail Transfer Metering Skids.
Pertamina TBBM Ujung Berung
Successfully installed Omega 5000/ Scada/ PLC/ 4 x bottom loading skids with FAME & diesel blending/ 1 x FAME unloading skid
China Zhejiang Petroleum Trading Co. Ltd. Tongxiang Oil Depot
Omega5000/ Scada/ PLC/ 2 x Bottom Loading skids with FlexlincBC, birotorplus & Blendtech injectors/ 2 x Additive Tank/ Pump skids.
Nairobi-Nanyuki Rail Line
Real-time ATG tank volumes/ Alarms/ Site product daily throughputs/ Gate to Gate times/ Data Analytics for supply chain cost improvements.